Creating opportunities for young adults     .style2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.5em; }          West Virginia Center for Civic Life    SEARCH:   The West Virginia. Center for Civic Life is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that helps engage our citizens in community discussions of important public issues that affect our state and nation.

 Think. Talk. Act.       Home  News & Notes About Us  Board Staff    Our Work  Civic Engagement Hub Moderator Preparation Issue Framing Reporting Outcomes Dialogue to Action    Issues  Prescription Drug Abuse WV's Youngest Children Building Safe Neighborhoods Substance Abuse Childhood Obesity Future of Young Adults Economic Insecurity    Resources   Join List   Donate      How do we create opportunities for young adults in West Virginia?  After decades of West Virginia’s young people moving out of the state, we now have fewer people under the age of 18 and the oldest median population of all the states in the nation, according to the US Census. The percentage of residents past retirement age greatly exceeds US averages, while West Virginia has low percentages of children and young adults beginning their careers and raising their families. 

  According to a 2002 poll conducted for The Herald-Dispatch, West Virginia Public Broadcasting, and WMUL-FM, today’s youth plan to continue the trend of migration out of the state. Seventeen percent of the young adults surveyed say it is probable or very probable that they will move out of the state in the next five years.

  Our forums have focused on three different approaches for creating opportunities for young adults in west Virginia:

  Building career and advancement opportunities Building connections to the rest of the world Builing individual and community strengths  Civic engagement can make opportunities for our young adults and keep them in West Virginia.

  Issue Guide

 Creating opportunities for young adults in West Virginia is one of the issues developed by The West Virginia Center for Civic Life for discussion and action in deliberative forums.


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 West Virginia Center for Civic Life • 2300 MacCorkle Avenue SE • Charleston, WV 25304