Childhood Obesity         .style2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1.5em; }          West Virginia Center for Civic Life    SEARCH:   The West Virginia. Center for Civic Life is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that helps engage our citizens in community discussions of important public issues that affect our state and nation.

 Think. Talk. Act.       Home  News & Notes About Us  Board Staff    Our Work  Civic Engagement Hub Moderator Preparation Issue Framing Reporting Outcomes Dialogue to Action    Issues  Prescription Drug Abuse WV's Youngest Children Building Safe Neighborhoods Substance Abuse Childhood Obesity Future of Young Adults Economic Insecurity    Resources   Join List   Donate      How can we encourage healthy weights among West Virginia Youth? More children are overweight today than ever before, and the numbers keep rising. Overweight children and youth experience more health problems, ones that can worsen as they grow into adulthood. They are often teased and even ridiculed, causing emotional scars that can last a lifetime. The vast majority (92 percent) of adults in the U.S. believes that childhood obesity is a serious national problem, according to a recent survey conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health. The West Virginia Center for Civic Life and West Virginia Office of Healthy Lifestyles found similar concerns when they interviewed and surveyed more than a hundred residents of our state about the problem. While there are many different opinions on the issue, most people agree that multiple factors contribute to the rising numbers of overweight children. To tackle the problem successfully, everyone needs to be involved – families, schools, health and social services, community and faith-based groups, government, and businesses. There are no quick fixes, but with sustained effort it’s likely that we can make a positive difference  Issue Guide Moderators Guide

 Childhood obesity in West Virginia is one of the issues developed by The West Virginia Center for Civic Life for discussion and action in deliberative forums.


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 West Virginia Center for Civic Life • 2300 MacCorkle Avenue SE • Charleston, WV 25304