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of Important Public Issues.

Organizing Your Community

Health Care Forum


   Pull Together a Work Group

Gather people who you can work with and have a mutual interest in the Health Care Forum or have an interest  in open public discussion.

The main roles to be filled are those of moderator, recorder, and observer.

Here is a brief overview of each job:

Moderator:  guide the discussion, promote deliberation

Recorder: Record the discussion on a flip chart in a legible style, capture the essence and values in what people are saying

Observer: Sits and tries to capture as many direct quotes from people as possible including who it is from - Ex. "I think the health care system is a mess" - 25 year old Nicholas County male

Apart from these roles the work group will also work together to convene the event i.e. inviting the community, publicizing, securing a meeting space, and arranging the room.  They will work to report out to the WVCCL and report back to their forum participants.

   Preparing for the Health Care Forum

Find a good public space for your forum.  This is a place that the public relates to and people from all areas of the community can feel comfortable at.  Set a date and time that will encourage participation from people.  Let the WVCCL know about your forum so it can be posted on our website.

Gather materials for your forum with the help of the WVCCL.  Contact the WVCCL and we will equip you with materials for your forum including issue guides, post-forum questionnaires, and a starter tape.

   Publicize the Forum

You do not need hundreds of people at your forum, but you want to have enough participants to have some diversity of thought.  Attempt to get some people who work in the health care field, community leaders, and decision-makers. The most important element of publicizing is to get as many people from the general public as possible.  These are the people who are affected by the issue on a day-to-day basis.

Ask colleagues and neighbors to come.  Post a notice in your community newspaper.  Send out letters, emails, and make phone calls to possible participants.  Let them know they will be a part of a statewide initiative.  Hold the forum with a captive audience i.e. library reading groups, community organizations and clubs, at a community festival, or at a high school or another educational facility.

   Conduct Your Forum

Develop rapport with your participants by meeting and greeting them.  Make them feel welcome, but don't be afraid to ask the tough questions.  The recorder and observer will be actively taking the forum notes.  At the end of the forum have all the participants complete the post-forum questionnaire.  Send the questionnaires to the WVCCL.  Ask people to give you their contact information to keep the group connected. 

   Report On Your Forum

The work group should fill out the response form on the back of the Health Care Moderator Guide, reflecting on the conversation they just heard.  Prepare a list of the participant comments from the recorder's notes to report back to the participant group as well to send to the WVCCL.  Ask for comments on your summary from the participants to confirm the validity of your report. 

Send Post-Forum questionnaires to

West Virginia Center for Civic Life

2300 MacCorkle Ave., SE

Charleston, WV 25304













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