West Virginia Center for Civic Life   .quotebox { border: thin solid #333333; padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px; margin-right: 2px; } .txt-al-ctr { text-align: center; } .style6 { border-width: 0px; }        Home About Us  Leadership Our History   Process Primer FAQ Issues  Prescription Drug Abuse Building Safe Neighborhoods Substance Abuse Childhood Obesity Future of Young Adults Economic Insecurity   Join List           SEARCH:   The West Virginia Center for Civic Life is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that helps engage our citizens in community discussions of important public issues that affect our state and nation.

 Think. Deliberate. Act.       Home   About Us  Board Staff    Our Work  Civic Engagement Hub Moderator Preparation Issue Framing Reporting Outcomes Dialogue to Action    Issues  Prescription Drug Abuse WV's Youngest Children Building Safe Neighborhoods Substance Abuse Childhood Obesity Future of Young Adults Economic Insecurity    Resources   Join List   Donate          ●  If you've ever thought you had no voice in your community . . .

 ●  If you've ever wondered how others see a common problem . . .

 ●  If you want to engage in productive discussions rather than divisive debates . . .

 ●  If you want to see democracy in action . . .

 Become involved in the work of the West Virginia Center for Civic Life! 

  Why talk?  The goal behind community dialogue is not merely to draw a crowd and fill a room with opinionated people. The purpose is much bigger and more powerful. When people talk together about common concerns, they take ownership of problems. They talk about what they can do, not just what others ought to do. They act out of a sense of mission and passion. Communities in a democracy are healthier when citizens are doing the work of citizens.

 Resource Guide onPublic Engagement The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation is a network of 1,300 groups and professionals who bring people together to discuss, decide and collaborate on today’s toughest issues. They have recently created a guide to share stories and resources about effective public engagement through dialogue and deliberation. Download a free copy here.

      Please Join Us We invite you to join our email list so we can send regular newsletters about West Virginia Center for Civic Life training programs and dialogue initiatives as well as updates about civic engagement resources and practices. Just click  here to give us your email address. 

  Prescription Drug Abuse in West Virginia A statewide dialogue-to-action initiative  Over the past decade, the abuse of prescription drugs in West Virginia has increased among adults and youth alike, with profoundly negative impacts on individuals, families and communities throughout our state. 

 Prescription drug abuse is an extremely complex issue requiring the involvement of nearly every sector of the community: law enforcement, education, health care, churches, businesses, neighbors, government and social services. 

 In order to consider ways to address prescription drug abuse, local organizations are sponsoring community discussions to bring people together to consider what can be done. Between July and December, 2010, over 125 community forums have been held in over 35 West Virginia counties—followed by local action planning sessions. 

 We hope you will consider convening a forum in your community. A West Virginia-based issue guide, moderators’ guide, and discussion starter video have been developed by the West Virginia Center for Civic Life and the Prevention Resource Center. All materials may be downloaded and duplicated for your discussions here


       Home |  Board |  Staff |  Civic Engagement Hub |  Moderator Preparation |  Issue Framing |  Reporting Outcomes |  Dialogue FAQ |  Prescription Drug Abuse |  Safe Neighborhoods |  Substance Abuse |  Childhood Obesity Young Adults |  Resources |  Join Our Email List

 West Virginia Center for Civic Life • 2300 MacCorkle Avenue SE • Charleston, WV 25304 • (304) 344-3430 info@wvciviclife.org