Becky Ceperley on the Civic Life Institute: “The key was communication, breaking through divisions before anyone could do anything.”

What struck you about the Civic Life Institutes you have attended? “What I saw that was powerful was the realization that took hold, that we all may speak or look different but we want the same things: we want our children to be healthy, we want our grandchildren to have a good school. And the key… Read More Becky Ceperley on the Civic Life Institute: “The key was communication, breaking through divisions before anyone could do anything.”

What the heck is the Civic Life Institute, and what can it do for me?

+ Sutton Stokes, Associate Director We have a messaging problem, when it comes to convincing you to attend the Civic Life Institute, our annual workshop on community engagement practices.[1] See, the very nature of community engagement work prevents us from making you any grand promises. Community engagement, and the process of building what we call “civic… Read More What the heck is the Civic Life Institute, and what can it do for me?

Can we talk?

At this crucial moment for the future of Appalachia, we must keep trying to find ways to talk and work together. Even when we don’t see eye to eye. Especially when we don’t see eye to eye. Please join us for the 2016 Civic Life Institute (July 19-20 at University of Charleston) to explore effective practices for: Bringing people together to talk about… Read More Can we talk?